
Here’s the much-requested picture of my new cowboy boots–I love the color–Forest Green is a favorite…and the muted pattern suits me.  The colors are actually reminiscent of the colors in my living room.  I have yet to have the courage to wear them out in public–but that day is coming very soon….who knows, by the end of the season, I may own a pair of red ones as well.  The orthopedic I’m seeing had this fabulous pair of red boots on…and the red just glimpsed out of his jeans every so often…(of course, in Montana, orthopedic surgeons wear cowboy boots and jeans to work!).

The other thing that my boots make me think about is personas…I know I’m changing out here.  My marriage is growing stronger  (who’d have thunk after almost 35 years)…and I’m developing a much broader world view.  I’m beginning to figure out what’s “essential Karen” and what I can let go of. What do these boots say about me..if they say anything at all. Of course, the biggest question I have right now is “What am I going to do when I grow up?”

Happy Saturday!