Big Day in a Big Park

August 25th was a beautiful day in the park and an exciting day as well–for two reasons.

New Visitor Center

The new Visitor Education Center at Old Faithful opened.  2.5 years in the making, with a cost of $27 million (more than half raised by private funding).   Some call it the “Taj Mah Old Faithful” but it’s a pretty interesting structure–and the glass front is going to provide some interesting reflection pictures, especially when the geyser blows.

It was, of course a day for bands, speeches, a color guard (I love the ranger with the really long hair–he looks awesome up on his horse–almost like a hero from a really bad romance novel).

They are calling them education centers nowadays–as the park service moves more and more towards an education focus and helping visitors understand why we need national parks.  As I sat there and listened to Paul Schullery, I began to think that I may not be moving out of education, but merely changing my focus.  I’ve planted a few seeds that may come to

fruition next summer–only time will tell.

The presentation ended as only it  could, with

Old Faithful going off just as the final words were spoken…Perfect timing.

Christmas in August

is a long-standing tradition in Yellowstone.  The “fable” says that around 1900 there was a major snowstorm on August 25th….other stories say that the celebration came about to hide the raucous parties the employees were having on that day (sometimes known as “savages” day).  Whatever the origin, we had great fun.  It started on Tuesday evening with a Christmas Cookie decorating party.  A lot of the foreign housekeeping staff showed up–and there was as much Chinese as English being spoken that night.

The next night we had a tree, Santa showed up, the front desk dressed as elves (it a great front desk crew) the kids decorated light bulbs (a “recycling” message) and Christmas carols were sung by employees.  I was surprised at how well the foreign kids knew English Christmas Carols….for they were the bulk of our singers…We all had a great time and I was in my element–getting the caroling starting and then organizing the ornament decorating.  Once a school teacher, always a school teacher……

(and this last picture is from the front desk gift exchange–the rooms at the inn all have Bear Soap–so, what else would one make, but a Santa & Sleigh) –I work with some amazingly talented people.  (as always, additional pix are on my flickr site.)