Shrimp for Dinner? It Depends…

Finally...I love shrimp–it’s one of the few seafoods that I will actually eat.  Tonight, however, I learned a lesson that I will not soon forget.  It will cost me a few dollars whenever I eat shrimp–but it will be well worth it.   Here’s the story.

There are many small felids in SouthEast Asia.  They live in marshes and Mangrove forests.  The forests get cut down, and the marshes get drained,  to build prawn ponds. he prawn pods, because they have no natural water refresh source, are only good for 5-6 years–they are then abandoned and  another part of the forest is cut down, another marsh is drained.  The abandoned ponds could be easily restored, but they aren’t.  Bottom line–diminishing habitat and another species on the endangered species list.  This time it’s the Fishing Cat.  (Prionailurus viverrinus).   So..bottom line…if the frozen bag of shrimp you’re buying say “farmed shrimp in Thailand)  or any other SE Asian country, put it down, put it back….and look for an alternate choice.  If you need one, check out the Safe Seafood  brochure..and scan their  website for complete information.  (and, of course, visit the Fishing Cats on Asia Trail at the National Zoo.