Bison Rock!


IMG_8130Bison so own the park.  They are the meat and potatoes, the plain vanilla pudding, the cake without the frosting.   Bears and wolves are the Chateaubriand, the Crepe Suzette, the fine red wine.   Bison are part of your life everyday.  Yesterday we hit our first true bison jam….the jam was all coming towards us, so we just pulled off to the side of the road, watched the poor ranger trying to manage the traffic and sat back and laughed.

IMG_8139Then, of course, you find yourself next to this guy….he was huge—with freshly dried mud all over  him…and a real reminder that bison OWN the park…and though they “Go placidly amid the noise and haste…” they can also move at 35 MPH.


IMG_8157It was another great day in Lamar; 6 bears, cubs and moms, more baby bison and lots of pronghorns.  I’m off to see if I can go a few miles up the road and get some pix in today’s snow  (the sun was shining 2 hours ago)

Have a wonderful weekend